Saturday, December 12, 2009

November 2009 Minutes

Date: 16/11/2009
Location: MCA Office

Race Schedule
·         The committee discussed the structure of the race schedule for the upcoming 2010 season.
·         We are working with the road committee to have a balanced schedule where Mountain and Road Cup events will not be run on the same weekend.
·         The plan is to have 5 Cup races, the Wednesday Night Series, 4 endurance events (one being a 24 hour race), and two gravity events.
·         Other races will be put on the calendar as events and may conflict with Road Cup races – Road can do the same.
·         It was decided that Falcon Lake will be the location for the 2010 Provincials race pending availability

Kids of Mud Races and Mountain Bike Races
·         The issue of running KoM races concurrently with regular Mountain Bike races was discussed. It was decided that running these events on the same day and the same venue would not be encouraged because of the logistical and resource difficulties of running an event of this size and magnitude.

Commissaire and First Aid Training
·         First aid training course is being planned by the MCA early in 2010. Clubs will be encouraged to  have people get their first aid training to facilitate the development of first aid personnel that they can use for their events.
·         A commissaire training course will be run in 2010.

Race Organizer and Athlete Manuals
·         Updates of the race organizer and racer’s manuals are being worked on and will be in place for the 2010
·         A race organizer’s meeting will take place in January outlining the goals and objectives that the committee would like each organizer to achieve for their event

MB Cup Points
·         A new points system for Mountain Bike Cup races is being developed and will be in place for 2010.

Provincial Team
·         Jay asked if clubs could give the Provincial Team a discount rate for entry fees, feeling that this would help attract kids to the program. It is up to the individual clubs to do this but it would be encouraged that they should provide a break to theses kids.

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